Memory Crossbar (XBar)
The memory crossbar connects the multiple Load/Store units of the processor to the multiple memory sections. The L/S units are capable of issuing either a load or a store on every cycle, and as a result, the memory sections should, ideally, be capable of processing these requests at the same rate. In order words, if there are
n L/S units, each issuing one memory accesses per cycle, then the crossbar must have a peak bandwidth of at leastn words per cycle.内存交叉开关是一种用于将多个处理器(内存)读写单元与多个内存区块相连接的结构。由于单个(内存)读写单元可在单个时钟周期内完成一次读或写操作,我们可以认为,在理想状态下,被连接的(单个)内存区块也应该具有相同的请求处理速度(即每时钟周期处理一个读或写请求)。也可以理解为,如果(在使用了内存交叉开关的内存系统中)CPU有
n 个(内存)读写单元,每个单元每时钟周期可完成一次读或写请求的话,那么在该存储交叉开关处至少有等价于每周期n 次读写请求的最大带宽。